Finding My Voice

Did you ever feel like you had so much to say, but when you finally got the opportunity you couldn't think of what it was you wanted to say? It's probably the middle child in me. I have always wanted to be heard, but also had a hard time finding my voice. I've decided at fourty two years old, I have a voice and I do want my voice to be heard. Ok, my husband and kids would probably disagree with me and say, we've all known you have a voice. :) I just think maybe for a long time I have believed the lies that my voice didn't matter. I'm realizing no matter who you are, your voice matters. Your voice matters as a woman, a stay at home Mama, a friend, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a middle child etc...
What does it look like for me to find my voice and use it? I want to share my life with people and help encourage people through things I've learned and I think everyone wants to be heard, seen and known for who they are. It's an amazing feeling to be known by someone, really known. A big part of that is being heard. I know I can immediately be friends with someone when they are a good listener. When someone creates eye contact and isn't completely distracted when we have a conversation that is a sign to me that we can be friends. A huge pet peeve of mine is when someone is talking to you and is completely distracted and not really engaged in what you're saying. Not only is it rude, but it says I'm not that interested in you or what you have to say. I interpret that to mean I am not willing to stop and hear you and you are not really worth listening to. I never want someone to feel that way around me and I certainly don't ever want to feel that way.
What would it look like for you to allow yourself to be seen and heard? Are you willing to risk? Are you willing to stop and focus on what someone else has to say and hear someone? Wouldn't it be amazing if we really valued each others voices and not only allowed ours to be heard, but took the time to hear someone else's voice.

Finding my Voice

We all have a voice that longs to be heard
Do I risk?
Do I speak?
Do I allow myself to be seen?

Is it worth me being that vulnerable knowing someone might not really hear me or see me?
Do they really care? Do they really want to know me?

I have to dare, I have to step out and share
I have a voice worth listening to
I matter, You matter
Allow the risk, allow yourself to be seen and know that love is worth the risk
Love is being seen and seeing others
Love is sharing your voice
Love is risk
Love is freedom


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