Finding New Purpose in a New Season

Have you ever been uncertain with what you were doing with your life? Have you ever wondered really what your purpose is? Have you ever thought, oh crap what am I going to do now that my kids are almost gone. Yeah, me too!
All my life, since twenty three years old has revolved around having babies and raising kids. My dreams were to get married and have kids probably because that's what my mother did was get married and have kids. I did that and I'm super grateful that dream came true, but I'm finding myself headed toward the empty nest season. I have one child who is living on her own far away from me and two teenagers left at home. While, of course they still need me, they will be out on their own in four years and then I'm left to figure out what my next purpose is besides being a wife and mom. I'm trying to get a headstart as I've been trying to figure out what is next for me and find ways I can make some extra income.
So...I’ve decided to write. I’m not even sure exactly what I will write about, but I do know it will be real, raw, authentic, sometimes funny, sometimes sad. I’m starting with this new blog and also a story I’ve been meaning to tell for quite some time. You will have to wait and see what that is, but for now I think I will write about what I feel like each week as an outlet for me and a way to hopefully connect with some of you. I hope that you will be able to see some of yourself in my story and maybe in my posts and that I can create some kind of connection between us. After all, I think the world needs a whole lot more connection and compassion between one another. Connecting and being moved with compassion helps create love, love helps create peace and this world sure needs a lot more of that!


  1. Jineen your writing is nothing short of author worthy. I get goose bumps , blessed and awestruck all at once. This is something every reader is looking for in a good read!!! This is a long overdue gift that must be used.

    1. Not sure why that apostrophe isn' t where I put it.

    2. Ha ha thanks Wendy! You are so sweet!❤️


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