
Ever just feel sad? Feel like you’re not enough? That’s me today. I’m sure it’s the devil trying to bring me down, but it’s working today. Sometimes life just feels super hard and discouraging. Sometimes nothing goes right. Sometimes I just feel like a nobody without purpose, but God! God is always there sneaking into the back of my brain reminding me I am enough. I’m ok how I am. Maybe even better than ok. Why do we allow ourselves to believe the lies others may say about us? I found myself believing lies from something someone said untrue about me this past week. This person doesn’t even know me and I still let it bother me. Not sure why except that I’m human, I guess, and it hurt me that someone would question my character when I’ve worked hard at having good character.  Was reminded by a friend that that’s what Jesus went through. I almost forgot that. He was constantly misunderstood and I really hate being misunderstood. It’s a trigger for me because I’ve felt that way most of my life. So many have judged me without really knowing me, have judged me for my looks, or my intentions, or my motives, or why I have said things I’ve said or done things I did. After hearing my friend say Jesus went through this same thing made me realize He understands what it feels like. He went through it all before I did. He made me and formed me just as He wanted me to be. He thinks I’m enough. He thinks I’m more than enough.  I’m trying to remember that today and not allow one person to bring me down. Trying to not believe the lies the devil is trying to convince me of. I’m gonna try to embrace my enough-ness today...hope you can too!


  1. So good! I think we’ve all felt that way a time or two... if we’re really honest. Thanks for sharing.


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