Your Love For Me
This is a poem/song I wrote about God's love for me:
The beauty of a sunset
The whisper of the wind
The sound of crashing waves and
The voice from deep within
The gentle rain heard falling
The newborn baby cry
The smell of a flower and
The rainbow in the sky
So many ways
You show your love for me
And I feel you, I sense you, I know that you are here
Creating, loving, speaking, and I am so aware
The strength of a mountain
The touch of a friend
The word so softly spoken
The darkness at nights end
The grace bestowed by others
The white winter snowfall
The reverence of a quiet prayer
The crisp and colored fall
So many ways
You show your love for me
And I feel you, I sense you, I know that you are here
Creating, loving, speaking and I am so aware
The beauty of a sunset
The whisper of the wind
The sound of crashing waves and
The voice from deep within
The gentle rain heard falling
The newborn baby cry
The smell of a flower and
The rainbow in the sky
So many ways
You show your love for me
And I feel you, I sense you, I know that you are here
Creating, loving, speaking, and I am so aware
The strength of a mountain
The touch of a friend
The word so softly spoken
The darkness at nights end
The grace bestowed by others
The white winter snowfall
The reverence of a quiet prayer
The crisp and colored fall
So many ways
You show your love for me
And I feel you, I sense you, I know that you are here
Creating, loving, speaking and I am so aware
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