Be You

Authentic living helps create and sustain vulnerability.
It is to allow yourself to be seen, risky and daring, but so freeing!
What would it take to let yourself reveal the good and bad inside?
To take off all the masks and allow your naked soul to be discovered.
It would be so much easier to hide, but such a lonely place to be imprisoned.
There is nothing I can't stand more than inauthenticity. It's probably because I'm a four on the enneagram,  but we aren't going to be friends if you are fake. I want real and raw.
I want to BE real and to BE raw. Maybe it's the NY in me...but seriously! I'm ok to hear your fears and see your tears and I wont judge you for your struggle! I want to know about your deepest wounds and sit with you in your pain. I know what it is to hurt, be broken, feel completely alone, and desperate for pain relief. I understand the emptiness and hopelessness of grief and what it feels like to be drowning in so much pain. It is what we are here for to be connected through vulnerability! We are here to share, be open, and to hear one another and be heard. We are here to see and be seen by others and to love in spite of where we are at. Don't be afraid to allow people in to your deepest pain. It's in the letting people in, that we heal. It's in the sharing and being seen that we realize we are not alone.
My friends, you are loved, in the good and in the bad.
You are loved for who you are right in this moment. There is no need to be anyone, but you. God made you uniquely you for a reason. Be content with just being you and letting yourself be seen. It doesn't matter what others think you should be. Embrace the miracle of you!


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