The Winds of Change
Change is a part of our lives whether we like it or not, but I have found that most people don't like change. I think it's because it can be scary and unpredictable and so many people fear it. I think it's because change requires so much from us. It demands faith, trust, openness and flexibility. It forces us to let go of something that once was and look ahead to something new. It is a surrender to new things. It is leaving the past behind and moving forward. I have experienced so many changes in my life. As a child we moved three different times locally and then as an adult I moved to college, moved back home for a semester and then moved back to college. After college I got married and moved to where my husbands family was and then ended up moving another sixteen times after that. A grand total of twenty three times in fourty three years. I sure know some change!! I've learned to try to enjoy change because it always feels like a do over. It is new beginnings and f...